Today we rose bright and early- 4:15am, so that we could head out of town early to avoid traffic or any delays. All was quiet at 5:30am when we left and driving thru the city at that hour was very interesting. People on Motos  and in tap taps headed to market and work. By 6:00am we were in a full blown traffic jam! But it was beautiful seeing the sun come up and the city come to life. We arrived at the guest house about 8:15am and unloaded our 11 big bags and 6 carry-one. Lots of supplies for this weeks trainings. The CHE leaders joined us for dinner and a brief planning meeting. Tomorrow we are off to Tapion. Can’t wait to get started! For now, we are all headed to bed. God is good!

Relaxing at the Petion-ville Guesthouse after a busy day of travel.

The team arrived safely to Haiti. They had a great dinner and headed off to bed early because they have another early morning on Monday, heading to Petit-Goave to start their community education projects with the local Community Health leaders

Early this morning we traveled back to Port-au- Prince for our Cultural Day.  We traveled to The Outlook at the top of a mountain for sodas and a beautiful view of the city, mountains and ocean. 

Then we visited Papillion for shopping.  Papillion was started by a woman who came to Haiti after the earthquake to adopt a child. She was shocked when she realized the child was not orphaned, but her parents simply could not afford to feed her.  She decided to begin a project to create jobs, and now Papillion hires Haitians to create jewelry, ceramic mugs, bags and other items. There is a child care center and school on site for their children. An amazing story.  They also sell products on site so check out their online store at
Tomorrow we leave Haiti with full hearts.  It has been an amazing, spirit-filled week. May God bless you Haiti!

Today we saw patients at the Methodist clinic here in downtown Petit Goave.  We saw 100 patients, several of which had more complicated conditions than in previous days...malnutrition, diabetic ketoacidosis and HIV.  Our favorite patient came to see us again this year...Sultane, a tiny 76 year old woman weighing in at a whopping 65 pounds.  What she lacks in size, she makes up for with heart. She is the sweetest.

We have three physicians and a Physician Assistant on our team this year, including an ob/gyn and pediatrician who have been  kept busy seeing pregnant women and children!
Each physician has an interpreter who translates for them.  We rely heavily on them and are so thankful they travel with us all week.
We are blessed to provide healing while we are here, but we are even more blessed by their trust in us and the lessons we learn from them!

Our second clinic day was in Fond Doux, a 25 minute drive outside of Petit Goave. Day 2 started much more smoothly, due to a day under our belt and no flat tire!  Today we were in a clinic that was built after the earthquake, but is not in use because they have no medical staff.

We appreciated the helpfulness of CHE in setting up the clinic, getting light bulbs for the rooms, gas for the generator, and extra chairs in each exam room, and fans. In the lab area, the nurses spent the day screening patients for anemia, diabetes, malaria, pregnancy and urinary infections.

And still had time to hold a few babies. 🙂  On a lighter side, the coloring books are a big hit with the kids, who take pride in showing us their artwork!

Today we saw 100 patients, ranging in age from one month to 98 years.  We are enjoying the warmth of the Haitian people.  In fact, today a woman offered the toilet in her home since the one at the clinic had sunk into the ground.  Always something to solve for!

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