September 2015 Haiti Trip - Day 1

Published in on September 24, 2015.
Alo! (That's Haitian Creole for "Hello") The Haiti Team has arrived safely and the outpatient medical clinic up and running. Mary-Beth tells us that the first day in clinic, they saw 80 people. Problems included lots of hypertension and diabetes. Community Health Evangelists have been helping out in the clinic as well, teaching Haiti residents […]
Resurrection Staff
Resurrection Staff

Alo! (That's Haitian Creole for "Hello")

The Haiti Team has arrived safely and the outpatient medical clinic up and running. Mary-Beth tells us that the first day in clinic, they saw 80 people. Problems included lots of hypertension and diabetes. Community Health Evangelists have been helping out in the clinic as well, teaching Haiti residents about hand washing, clean water and sanitation. Children in the clinic are also learning about how to avoid malaria by viewing videos featuring Buzz and Bite. You can see some of the videos here:

Day two will take the team mobile to Fond Du where they will work with the Community Health Evangelests (CHE).

It's very hot in Haiti -- as usual in September -- the team members are drinking lots of water. They are really enjoying seeing old friends and look forward to working with the Haitian clinic physician on Thursday.





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