Sustainable Agriculture = Permaculture

Published in , on May 23, 2022.
Listen to Episode 9 Call to Action: The HUB Argentine, in Kansas City, Kansas. The HUB is a food and clothing pantry, a community garden, they have limited medical services, and an after school program. They exist to serve the needs of their community making them a HUB of activity. Find out more about current […]
Resurrection Staff
Resurrection Staff

Listen to Episode 9

Call to Action:

The HUB Argentine, in Kansas City, Kansas. The HUB is a food and clothing pantry, a community garden, they have limited medical services, and an after school program. They exist to serve the needs of their community making them a HUB of activity. Find out more about current needs and how you can plug in HERE!


This week we talk about "sustainability!" It's a fancy buzz word in international work and the non-profit sector in general, but what is it? Sustainability is when you choose to do something in a way that will continue without intervention from outside a group or a community. Simply put - If we didn't show up the work would keep happening because the community owns the project, leads the project, and sustains the project. This season one ethos keeps showing up, "we will not do for someone that which they can do for themselves." That is at the heart of empowering communities to be self-sustaining.

When people have agency, and choice, there is dignity in that. It is innately human to want to do things for yourself. If you have kids, just think of when they're learning how to dress themselves. If you have an aging family member think about when you had to help them do something that you would take for granted, like buttoning your coat. (Just for fun, try buttoning your coat with oven mitts on. Yeah, it's hard.)

When I was in high school I injured my back playing sports. I vividly remember my dad having to help take me to the bathroom. I was absolutely humiliated. I suspect that this had little to do with the fact that I was sixteen and much more to do with the fact that I felt a lack of agency. When Resurrection supports programs or sends mission teams we always aim to do that in away that supports the agency of individuals, and promotes the dignity of each human being. These are our ingrained ideals.

This week we heard from Bizwick! He told us about a sustainable form of Agriculture called, Permaculture!

Meet the Voices:

Luwayo Bizwick - Malawi - Paradise Permaculture Institute Founder/Director

Bizwick has a degree in Permaculture and he is the founder of Paradise Permaculture Institute. He oversees the Madisi Permaculture training farm. He is married and has two lovely daughters.

Learn More about Permaculture Paradise Institute on Facebook! Follow them HERE

What is Permaculture? Permaculture is the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. The idea is to plant a variety of different foods that will be ripe at different times and provide a wide array of nutrients.

Bizwick and Sheree talk about eating the rainbow in this weeks episode. Why is it important to eat the rainbow? Because the more diverse your diet or the more colorful your food the more nutrients you will take in. In Malawi the main staple is corn, but many people suffer from malnutrition because they only eat corn. Permaculture can help us eat the rainbow and create more diverse crops to provide better nutrition. Can you believe that when a family chooses to implement permaculture in Malawi hunger is ended for that family in just three weeks.

As always, thanks for listening!

Love, the podsquad

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