2019 October Malawi, Day 5

Published in on October 18, 2019.
Our time here in Malawi is winding down, but opportunities for seeing things in a new perspective and sharing God’s love with our brothers and sisters have not! We began the day at the Madisi church, where folks were being trained in tie-dying and the construction of commodes. It was truly inspiring to watch the […]
Resurrection Staff
Resurrection Staff

Newly created tie-dyed sheet by a Madisi congregation member

Our time here in Malawi is winding down, but opportunities for seeing things in a new perspective and sharing God’s love with our brothers and sisters have not!

We began the day at the Madisi church, where folks were being trained in tie-dying and the construction of commodes. It was truly inspiring to watch the teachers and students so fully engaged. 

In the afternoon we traveled to Lipenga and had wonderful , whole- group, as well as one-on-one conversations with members from 3 villages. We heard about their successes and challenges in saving for the future, running their businesses, and paying back their loans. Their honest responses made it possible for the team and CCODE to consider ways in which the program can be improved. While at the village we were also shown the process by which they are making their own fertilizer, helping to ensure better crops in the next growing season. 

We left the village as the sun was setting, and were honored to provide transportation for a group of women who had come from a great distance, to speak with us. What a joy it was to ride along singing and clapping and enjoying just being together a little while longer!

Mulungu akudalitseni (GOD bless you!)

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